Equine metabolic syndrome in the horse can be a complicated condition for many horse owners. Through a logical and simplistic approach, Dr. Schell explains EMS in the horse, causes, contributors, and how to better manage through lifestyle, diet and targeted herbal therapy.
Your Instructor
Dr. Tom Schell is a private practicing veterinarian, certified in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Holistic Nutrition. He is a 1995 graduate of The Ohio State University, providing private consultations to horse and pet owners online and in-person to assist with learning and healing. He is also involved with Nouvelle Research, Inc, and the head of the research and development portion of herbal product formula development. Dr. Schell has hundreds of research articles and educational papers posted on his consultation site (www.secondvet.com) and Nouvelle Research (www.nouvelleresearch.com). He is very passionate about health and alternative medicine with the prime goal of focusing on solutions rather than on the disease or condition.
Frequently Asked Questions
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